Examination boards
As provided by the Didactic Regulation of the Degree Courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, it is noted that:
- The board, in case of single-subject Course, must be made of at least two members, one of them a Professor of a similar subject; in case of three-years Bachelor’s Degree, when it’s not possible to pinpoint a Professor of a similar subject, the Director of Didactic Professionalizing Activities can be designated as member of the board. (art. 20, c. 7)
- The board is, usually, presided over by the regular Professor of the subject or by the Course Coordinator in case of Integrated Course; among the members of the board it is mandatory to appoint the substitutes. In case of a motivated impediment of the President he/she is substituted by another Professor appointed by the Principal of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Coordinator of the Integrated Course. (art. 20, c.8)
Examination sessions
The definition of the time frames dedicated to the Examination Sessions is carried out yearly by the Faculty’s Council with the approval of the Didactic Calendar.
During the December call it will be possible, for students enrolled to the current a.y. too, to sit for examination but just for Integrated Courses from the first semester that have already completed all of the lessons from all the relative modules. In this instance, students who have undergone the course in the current a.y. will have to register to the calls labeled with “Anticipo Prima Sessione – First Session Advance”; all the remaining students will have to register to the call labeled “Prolungamento Terza Sessione – Third Session Extension”.
During the May call (programmed for every Degree Course of the Faculty) the exams may be sat by students enrolled to the current a.y. too but within the Integrated Courses of the first semester that have completed all of the lessons from all the relative modules. This last opportunity will eventually be published on our Faculty’s website once the timetable for the theory lessons of the second semester will be ultimated.
Only for Integrated Courses pertaining to the 6th year of the Master’s Degree Courses of Medicine and Surgery, Dental Surgery and P.D. and to the 2nd year of the Master’s Degree Course of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, in the month of June it could be announced, at the Board’s sole discretion, a further call of examinations reserved to near-graduate students of the summer graduation session in July.
Please note! The near-graduate students in the extra-ordinary session scheduled for March/April, who plan on sitting the exams in the February session will have to register exclusively to the exam calls labeled as “RISERVATO Laureandi Marzo – RESERVED Near-graduate March” or “RISERVATO Laureandi Aprile – RESERVED Near-graduate April”. These exam calls will be entered in the Esse3 platform during the month of January. Please remember that the registration to the extra-ordinary session’s exams is only possible when the Graduation Application has been correctly validated after being presented before the December deadline following the guidelines given by the Students’ Secretariat.
Registration procedure
The registration to the examinations is managed through the Esse3 system.
In order to register the student must go to his/her Personal Area (Area Riservata) https://univpm.esse3.cineca.it , enter the credentials used to access the University’s Personal Area and choose the menu item “Exams – Calls” (Esami – Appelli).
The following page contains the detailed instructions for the registration: Iscrizione ad un appello d'esame
The registration to each call will be active starting 20 days before the exam and will close 2 days before the exam.
The mandatory requirements to register for an exam session are the following:
- The Didactic Activity must be present on the student’s digital Record Book, which can be found in the menu at the “Career” item. Otherwise, the related exam calls will not be displayed in the “Exams – Calls” section. For the students who are on track with the rate of exams, the career will be updated with the exams of the current year only if they presented and confirmed a valid study plan.
- It is necessary to obtain the attendance certificate of the Didactic Activity for which the student plans to sit for the relative exam (the attendance certificates can be viewed in the “Career” section.)
- It is mandatory that the first installment of the fees has been paid for the a.y. relative to the selected exam call.
- For the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, the venue of enrolment of the student must correspond to that of the exam call (the venue selection is expressed in the description of the call)
- With regard to the extra-ordinary session’s calls (February), its mandatory to have already presented the Graduation Application for the extra-ordinary session of March/April.
- Please remember that, regarding the “catch-up” calls (May and November), the registration to the course’s previous years exams is allowed. The system will automatically check for the conditions of the registration. The November call is uniquely programmed for the single-cycle Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery.
The following conditions allow for the registration to an exam but do not allow for the eventual outcome to be entered in the student’s career record:
- Not respecting one or more of the pre-requisites rules. In this case the exam carried out in violation of the abovementioned rules is cancelled;
- Irregularities with the tuition fees payments (such as not paying the second installment). In this instance, the exam that was carried out will be automatically entered in the student's career as soon as his/her payment situation/administrative position is fixed.
For further information and to access and read the pre-requisites rules in effect at the moment, please visit the page Pre-requisites
Medicine and Surgery (MU03) - Exam calls’ dates now available